I have a question for all #CommonCore hard core fans and advocates. Did we have the common core when we reached the moon in 1959? Did we have the #CommonCore on 1989 when the internet was formally united via the HTTP protocol.
I'm talking about two of the most significant events that shaped the history of the USA that happened when education was free from Federal intrusion. These were the times when we saw the most advancement in science and arts and the Common Core didn't exist.
So why are we insisting on turning the american educational system into a factory modeled version of education? Why do we want to make education a product rather than an experience?
Even Bill Gates, one of the major advocates for the CC WASN'T TAUGHT UNDER THAT MODEL. He was succesful and he didn't learn under the CC odel of education. So why does he want to push and shove it into the american educational system?
It's profit. Simple, pure and selfish profit.
Well. Here's the thing. Microsoft has signed a deal with Pearson. You know, Microsoft the offspring of Bill Gates and Pearson, the company that has profited the most from making the standardized tests that ARE THE CORE at the Common Core...
See the connection? Just connect the dots. . . . .