National Geographic has launched a very incendiary cover. A boy dressed as a girl whose story is supposed to advance transgender "rights" which essentially are "I wanna go to the girl's bathroom" and vice versa. And be sure to find a sob story of a boy who NEEDS PSYCHIATRIC help for his gender dysphoria telling how persecuted he feels and how he has been bullied and (prepare for the greatest tearjerker) how he hates his penis and wants a vagina.
National Geographic is doing this for two reasons. First the are part of the #lgbt agenda. Second, their sales are dropping.
To each his own and if #NatGeo wants to promote de #gay agenda they are entitled to. They are a media company with an editorial line that leans to the libertarian-leftist side. If they want to promote a particular agenda let them do it. But to use a child for that purpose is really far-fetched. They overstepped a boundary that has been respected for years and that is to leave kids out of adult concerns.
This is what's going on. The gay lobby won their "right" to get married but as it was warned, they don't want to stop there. Now the transgender community wants to advance their "rigths" which essentially consist of rewriting history by altering birth certificates and letting them use the restrooms of their choosing regardless of their REAL gender.
They tried with Bruce Jenner who became Caytlin but stll wanted to conserve his wee wee and did a magical trick hiding it for that Vanity Fair cover. But the trans community failed. Bruce is having second thoughts. He still likes women and he wanted to become a woman but if he likes women he would be a lesbian wich in essence would not be the case because he is still a man and men like women. It's natural and it's on the genetic make-up of humans to like the opposite gender.
But the REAL reason behind Nat Geo's provocative cover is economic. They are losing readership. Less people are reading their mags. These are not the times when hormone riddled boys wanted to buy the mag to watch the African women's breast and have fantasies. The internet is filled with lots of free and easily available porn. Their travel mag is no longer being sold as much as it was a few years ago. Why? Blame the internet and its easy-to share-and-thus-give-free-promotion-to-tourism-in-other-countries. They have a kiddie version which is not selling that well also. Their sales are dropping and they are desperate. So, what do they do? The use the cheap trick of taking a sensitive issue and exploiting it in the most provocative way.
They are not gonna put a grown up with gender confusion (trangender). They put a kid. And they put a kid JUST when the issue of bathroom use is going to the Supreme Court.
This is low. This is so low. They know that no one will go and say things about the kid (except for insensitive internet trolls). They use the kid as a human shield to defuse criticism while promoting the gay agenda and GENERATING SALES IN THE PROCESS. People are gonna be curious and start buying the mags just to see a confused boy claim that he is being bullied and needs a sex change operation because it is a "right".
With this I don't see any difference between NatGeo and a terrorist using human shield. Both want something and will go to any expense to get it. But both are really deplorable for doing that.
As that famous song from Queen said, "Leave them kids alone". This is an adult issue.
I'm joining the #BoycottNatGeo campaign as of NOW. It's the moral thing to do.
#boycottnatgeo Tweets The real reason...
Newsstand sales of magazines drop 12%